4th Avenue Line Structural Repairs and Rehabilitation, Brooklyn, NY
New York City Transit’s (NYCT) Line Structures group was tasked to perform structural rehabilitation and repairs along 1.1 miles of the 4th Avenue Line in Brooklyn from 40th Street to 58th Street. The structural rehabilitation and repairs was to be conducted in three work zones (six blocks at a time) over the course of 12 months.
SIMCO developed MPT Plans for the 4th Avenue corridor affected by construction to address traffic, pedestrian, and parking operations during the various stages of construction. The proposed MPT schematic plans were presented to the NYCT Office of Government and Community Relations and NYCDOT’s Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination through Program Coordination.
In addition, a detailed traffic impact study was performed during five time periods to assess the effects of the MPT scheme on traffic operations in the 4th Avenue corridor and whether mitigation measures would be required. The intersection capacity and level of service analysis was performed for 11 intersections using the Synchro software package in accordance with the standard analytical methodology for signalized intersections prescribed in the Highway Capacity Manual.
Simtraffic simulation was performed to estimate queue lengths for each intersection and time period during construction. Based on the results, mitigation measures were developed during the construction conditions including precluding left-turns from 4th Avenue within each work zone, signal timing adjustments, and the protected left turn phasing outside of the work zone.
With the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the affected movements within the work zones are projected to operate at an acceptable LOS and the left-turn bays provided during construction would accommodate the projected queues at these intersections.
Owner:MTA /New York City Transit
Contact:Angelo Elmi, P.E.
Tel:(646) 252 3608
Date of Service:2016 – Ongoing