SIMCO supported the constructability review team for civil/utilities/MPT for the rehabilitation of the Canarsie Line between Manhattan and Brooklyn. The Canarsie Line is located under East 14th Street in Manhattan, the East River, and North 7th Street in Brooklyn.
The station complex, constructed in 1897, has a New York State Historic Preservation Office (NYSHPO) Opinion of Eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Canarsie tubes were heavily damaged by brackish river water flooding after Superstorm Sandy in October 2012. Due to the extensive damage to the tunnel infrastructure, including power, signals, and communications, NYC Transit determined that a comprehensive rehabilitation was required to restore the tunnel to modern standards and meet significant increases in ridership. The project also included NFPA 130 life safety egress upgrades and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades, including elevators. These enhancements will be constructed at the First Avenue Station in Manhattan and the Bedford Avenue/Driggs Avenue Station in Brooklyn.
In addition to the tunnel rehabilitation, a new traction power substation will be constructed at East 14th Street and Avenue “B” in Manhattan to support service enhancements.
SIMCO’s role was to review and make design recommendations for civil, utility, and MPT staging and logistics. SIMCO provided input relative to utilities relocation, including staging consistency. Critical utilities within the work area in Manhattan that required temporary support and protection included electric oil-o-static lines and steam lines.
SIMCO reviewed the maintenance of local land access during construction, including the relocation of service road ramps on East 14th Street, and maintenance of emergency access. Traffic mitigation measures to facilitate motor vehicle and pedestrian movement while offering the contractor adequate construction staging, operations and laydown areas were examined.