SIMCO Engineering, D.P.C., as Prime Consultant, is providing Construction Management services for Con Edison utility installation projects on New York State highways. The work includes installation underground/overhead electrical cables and gas mains/connections and the related infrastructure throughout Westchester County, NY within New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 8 Right-of-Way. The projects include permanent restoration of roadways (full depth asphalt, concrete and composite pavements), sidewalks, curbs, shoulders, tree protection, restoration of grass and landscaped areas, and other related work.
SIMCO Engineering, D.P.C., is also providing design services for detailed Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) plans, lighting plan and Traffic Management Plan for each specific project in accordance with the National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the NYS Supplement and coordinate with NYSDOT Region 8 to facilitate the construction within State Right-of-Way.