PANYNJ Intermodal Container Greenville Yard

Due to the extensive damage resulting from Superstorm Sandy, the proposed design of facility enhancements at this major port of commerce were impacted.

SIMCO was working on this project before Superstorm Sandy and continues to provide the following engineering services in the aftermath of the storm:

  • New ADA compliant asphalt parking lot for employees/visitors
  • Planning and design coordination with adjacent projects – New Greenville Yard RR track and spur facility (designed by others), ICTF and Port Jersey Boulevard.
  • Geometric design of a new 2,300’ DGA access road into the site (including pavement design and profiles).
  • Maintenance and Protection of Traffic design.
  • Design of a RR grade crossing and location of crossing warning devices for autos and trucks.
  • Design of traffic control devices – signing & striping.

SIMCO prepared signing and striping plans for container vehicles (AASHTO WB67) at the ICTF project, as well as roadside development including secure chain link fence, barriers, bollards guide rail, etc.

SIMCO maintains extensive coordination with facility tenants during the progress of design activities.

Owner:The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Client: The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Fee: $235,000
Contact: Mr. Rizwan Baig, P.E., PTOE
Tel: (212) 435-5770
Date of Service: 2011 – 2017