JFK International Airport, Queens, NY Traffic Operations
SIMCO Engineering provided technical engineering and planning support to the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ) Traffic Engineering’s Operations Group to manage landside operations at JFK International Airport. This work involved producing work orders to install new or revise existing traffic control devices including pavement markings, signs, channelizing devices, guiderails, and barriers on all roadways, terminal frontages, and parking facilities on PANYNJ property.
The issues addressed in the work orders originate from the Port Authority management, our routine traffic safety audits, or road user complaints – whether they are a tenant of the property or visitor to the airport. We investigate issues of capacity, safety, and compliance to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. We then develop simple, complex, and/or creative mitigation measures to propose to the Port Authority. Upon their concurrence, we develop the work orders to send to the Port Authority’s Sign Shop for installation. Typical projects include revising signs to reduce confusion; removing redundant signs; reinstalling faded pavement markings; modifying incorrect or confusing pavement markings; changing lane configurations at intersections; suggesting modified traffic signal timing or phasing; and limiting turns at intersections or driveways due to safety or sight distance.
Some notable projects include the following:- Signing and Parking Lot Design for Installation of New Cell Phone Lot Off JFK Expressway.
- Audit of all Traffic Control Devices after Major Snow Storms.
- Signing and Pavement Marking Plans for Implementation of New Taxi Dispatch System.
- Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Plans for Random Vehicle Inspections Conducted by Port Authority Police.
- Signing for Truck Parking Facility.
- Measures to Promote Usage of Cell Phone Lots and Discourage Illegal Idling on Roadways.
Owner:The Port Authority of
Client: The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Construction Cost: $790,000/Year (+/-)
Contact:Mr. Rizwan Baig, P.E., PTOE
Tel: (212) 435-5770
Email: mbaig@panynj.gov
Date of Service: 2010 – 2019
Completed Projects: On schedule and within budget