+1 (212) 385-8100 info@simcopc.com

PANYNJ Onsite Support for Traffic Safety

SIMCO provided transportation planning support for the PANYNJ Traffic Safety Group. Projects included the following:

Traffic Safety Analysis and Crash Reports, New York, NY: The PANYNJ Traffic Safety group prepares an Annual Crash Report each year that details crashes on PANYNJ sites throughout the year. The goal of the report was to indicate numerically whether crashes have been decreasing or increasing over time and whether improvements have been made or could be made. In creating this report and quarterly crash reports, SIMCO provided QA/QC reviews on data that was entered into the C.R.A.S.H. database from the original crash reports completed by the reporting police officers. The data was then analyzed the data to help determine Priority Crash Locations within the sites that are highlighted for future examination. To that end, SIMCO worked frequently with the PANYNJ Traffic Operations group in bringing conceptualized mitigations to implementation. The data was then compiled for presentations given during quarterly crash monitoring meetings to the Traffic Operations group and Assistant Chief Traffic Engineer. Completed every quarter.

JFK – Installation and Replacement of Impact Attenuators in the Central Terminal Area: SIMCO provided a Lead Engineer to support Stage III of this project to oversee the design, which was done by a sub-consultant and reviewed by a consultant, since it was initiated in November 2017. SIMCO staff met with the PANYNJ Traffic Design group to ensure that the contract drawings for this project were acceptable and met PANYNJ guidelines. Completed.

Speed Study at Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal, Newark & Elizabeth, NJ: This speed study considered the regulatory and advisory speeds for access roadways, service roadways, and ramps. This consideration entailed either changing or maintaining speed limits, which would be accompanied by the respective sign installation and/or removal, and other traffic calming measures. SIMCO supported this project by considering the safety improvement recommendations, the data used to make them, and the preliminary cost estimate that the consultant provides in a final report for the study; then determined how to proceed with the study based on those findings.

EWR – Replacement of Speed Limit Signs, Newark, NJ (PANYNJ): Provided a Lead Engineer for Stage III of this project. Oversaw the design from 90% submission to the final contract drawing signing. Met with the PANYNJ Traffic Design group to ensure that the contract drawings for this project were acceptable and met PANYNJ guidelines.

Owner:The Port Authority of NY & NJ
Client: The Port Authority of NY & NJ
JFK Attenuators,: Budget $273,309, completed on time and within budget
Contact:Saleem Syed, P.E.
Tel: (718) 244-4503
Port Newark Speed Study: $103,900, completed on time and within budget
EWR Sign Installation Budget $212,000, completed on time and within budget
Date of Service: 2016 – 2018