Brooklyn Army Terminal Phase V Renovation Parking and Traffic Study

Brooklyn Army Terminal Phase V Renovation Parking and Traffic Study, Brooklyn, NY

New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) was charged with the modernization of the Brooklyn Army Terminal (BAT) including the renovation of approximately 500,000 square feet of unoccupied space in Building A and other facility improvements. It is anticipated that the renovated space will accommodate approximately 1,100 new employees. A detailed study of transportation conditions was undertaken to better understand how this redevelopment would affect the surrounding transportation network.

SIMCO performed a detailed study of parking to determine how many parking spaces and loading bays are being used by current tenants and how many will be available to accommodate future tenant growth.  In addition, a detailed study of transportation conditions was undertaken to assess how this redevelopment would affect the surrounding transportation network in terms of vehicular traffic, transit, ferry, rail, and pedestrians’ mode choices.

The services provided for this project include the following: 

  • Field Traffic Data Collection
  • Traffic Analysis and Modeling
  • Traffic Engineering Services