NYSDOT Region 10 Construction Inspection, NYS Route 112 Traffic Signal Improvements

SIMCO Engineering, D.P.C., under a contract with the private developer, Nelin Realty, provided the CI services for the Traffic Signal Improvements (at site frontage of Tanglewood commons, between ref. markers 112 0701 1091 and 112 0701 1093), on Route 112, Coram, Long Island (NYSDOT, R-10 permit # 40652)

The work included: removal and reconstruction of existing sidewalk, curb and asphalt pavement, ADA curb ramps with detectable warnings, new asphalt concrete deceleration lane; installation of new Type A catch basin with mountable curb box and reticulum grate; removal of existing curb box frame and grate and replacement with manhole frame and cover, including installation of 15” RCP drainage pipe; installation of signal poles and cables, conduits, pull boxes, inductance loop, LED pedestrian signals, and ground and span mounted signs; turf establishment; transplanting 3” to 6” diameter trees; and monitoring of MPT.

All work followed NYSDOT’s standard specifications and details, MUTCD, and MURK manual.

The prime contractor for this project was Commander Electric and there are several sub-consultants.

The state Permit Engineer was Thomas Dankowski.