NYSDOT Construction Inspection, Pavement Preservation, Region 11

Under three PINs, SIMCO has provided construction inspection of pavement preservation work at the following locations:

XM 14.49
  • Brooklyn-Queens Expressway from Hamilton Avenue to Atlantic Avenue in both directions.
  • Nassau Expressway from Cross Bay Boulevard to 132 streets in one direction.
  • NY 440 Outerbridge Crossing from Pearl Harbor Memorial Expressway to Arthur Kill Road in both directions.
XM 15.48
  • Clearview Expressway from Hillside Avenue to Willets Point Boulevard.
  • Brooklyn-Queens Expressway/Grand Central Parkway from 34th Street to 82nd Street.
  • Eastbound Grand Central Parkway from 168th Street to Clearview Expressway.
XM 15.49
  • I-95 (Bruckner Expressway) mainline between Throgs Neck Expressway merge and Bronx Pelham Parkway in both directions.
  • I-278 (Bruckner Expressway) northbound exit to Zerega Avenue/Hutchinson River Parkway.
  • I-295 (Clearview Expressway) and Grand Central Parkway interchange ramps.

SIMCO, as a prime consultant, provided the inspection services for the following: milling of existing asphalt concrete overlays, saw cutting areas of deteriorated Portland cement concrete pavement; doing full and partial depth concrete pavement repairs; placing new multi course asphalt concrete overlay; repairing or replacing highway curbs; repairing catch-basin frames and grates; and placing pavement markings.

Construction was done mostly at night. The NYSDOT specifications covering sections 400 (hot mix asphalt), 500 (Portland cement concrete), 600 (incidental construction), 729 (temporary traffic control devices) are the primary items of construction.

All work was performed in accordance with the NYSDOT’s policies, specifications, and plans applicable to the Contract. All records were kept in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Record Keeping (MURK). The project included final close out including the preparation of as-built plans showed all changes from the contract plans.