Traffic Signal Design at Hobart Gap Road (Essex County, NJ)

The County of Essex planned to reconstruct a new traffic signal and pedestrian indication installation to improve the safety and operation of the intersection of Hobart Avenue and Hobart Gap Road/White Oak Ridge Road.  Since there were multiple vehicle crashes reported at this intersection, the County conducted a traffic study to determine the cause of high crash rate.  The study indicated that due to curvature of Hobart Gap Road there is a limitation of sight distance at this intersection which is the primary cause for the number of vehicle crashes at this intersection.  The study also indicated that an additional left turn lane will be required on the southbound approach of the White Oak Ridge Road to improve the operation at this intersection along with the installation of Traffic Signal.

SIMCO designed the traffic signal at the subject intersection.  The design was in accordance with the County of Essex and National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards.  The roadway section was widened to accommodate the left turning lane on White Oak Ridge Road.  The roadway widening design was based on the AASHTO’s “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Street” (Green Book).   The pedestrian curb ramps were designed in accordance with the ADA requirements. Due to the curvature of the Hobart Gap Road, a new flashing “RED SIGNAL AHEAD” sign connected to the proposed signal was included in the design. The design also includes electrical plans for the traffic signal and the grading plans for roadway widening.

SIMCO prepared the specifications for the proposed improvements at the subject intersection in accordance with the County standards.  SIMCO also prepared the Engineers cost estimate including a detailed analysis of lump sum items. 

Owner:Essex County
Client:Essex County Department of Public Works
Fee: $17,400
Contact:Asif U. Mahmood
Tel:(973) 390-2760
Date of Service: 02/2019 – 07/2019